
Height: 5’6”

Weight: 130 lbs.

Birthdate: March 16, 1989

Birthplace: Long Beach, California

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Brown

Known Relatives: Jordan (Partner)

First Appearance: SH*TSHOW (Vol. 1) Ashcan


Lightspeed is fast. Really, really fast. In fact, he’s probably the fastest person you’ll ever see ‘round these parts.

Though one of the youngest members of the Legion, he also tends to be one of the smartest. While Billet has the book smarts, Lex’s less-than-stellar years in the orphanage have given him a real-world grasp few others have seen.


Out of the entire Legion, Lex might have the most tragic background. Born in Long Beach, the speedster was found wandering the streets, with no clue as to his origins.

As a result, Lex spent his entire childhood and teen years in and out of St. Ansgar’s Home for the Troubled. Lex has exhibited his powers throughout his life, so there wasn’t a single catalyst that brought them to the forefront.

Luckily for everyone, Legend and Billet were able to locate Lex at a young-enough age. They made it possible for him to grow into an adult and mature through membership in the Legion.

In a twist that surprises nobody, Lightspeed’s rogues gallery is jam-packed with other speedsters like Briskspeed and Slithero. Though not a villain per se, Lightspeed has also had his fair share of run-ins with the vigilante Rukkus.
