
Height: 5’6”

Weight: 125 lbs.

Birthdate: April 12, 1999

Birthplace: Salem, Massachusetts

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Black

Known Relatives: Luna (Biological mother), Richard (Adoptive father), Brigid (Sister), Ash and Wilson (Brothers)

First Appearance: SH*TSHOW #1


Gina has the ability to emit sonic blasts from her mouth. Not only does this turn her into an exceptional singer, but she also has some of the most destructive powers in the entire McCoy clan.

In fact, she could blow a demon to bits with a whisper, if she really intended it.

Because of her mother’s involvement in the Dark Arts — hence the necessity to live life on the road — Gina has demonstrated limited mind-control abilities. As far as we know, there’s no rhyme or reason as to when she can do it, or why the abilities only work occasionally.


Gina was born to a single mother in Salem, Massachusetts, in the waning months of the 20th century. Though born in Salem, Gina and her biological mother Luna bounced around from city to city, living life on the road trying to stay one step ahead of a peculiar sect that was hunting them both down.

After Balam surfaced and indirectly caused the extinction of the Age of Heroes, as well as the death of her mother, Gina turned to a life a petty theft as she was sent from children’s home to children’s home.

During one of these minor crime sprees, she bumped into Wilson McCoy. Before long, the two were stopped by, and subsequently taken in, by Legend himself — one of his last selfless moments before he fell off the wagon for good.
