
Height: 5’5”

Weight: 110 lbs.

Birthdate: June 5, 2006

Birthplace: New York, New York

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Black

Known Relatives: James (Biological father), Lisa (Biological mother), Rich McCoy (Adoptive father), Gina and Brigid McCoy (Sisters), Wilson McCoy (Brother)

First Appearance: SH*TSHOW Ashcan


Again, like some others, Ash’s powers were activated when Balam arrived to Earth. Unlike the remainder of his family, he was fortunate to survive.

While most would think Ash is a walking fireball, the energy he can manifest is pulled from an ancient source. Though that source remains undetectable, some speculate it could be as old as time itself.

For now, go ahead and say they’re fire powers, we won’t stop you — just know the professionals think there’s more than meets the eye on this front.

Thanks to this energy source, Ash can completely light himself ablaze. When “on fire,” the energy is powerful enough to propel him through the sky, allowing him to fly. He can conjure “fireballs” and the like — you know the deal.


Like some of the other McCoy children, Ash also lost his parents in Balam’s first attack on Earth. Fortunately enough for Ash, he was just blocks from Legend after Balam was sent back to Hell, and was quickly rescued by the Principled Protector of Peace.

In the years since, Ash has grown exceptionally close to his adopted sister Brigid, and the two are oftentimes inseparable.

Though Brigid chooses to be the life of the party, Ash is much more reserved, keeping to himself whenever possible.
