
Height: 6’3”

Weight: Varies

Birthdate: Unknown

Birthplace: Xortan Prime, Saturn

Eyes: Pink

Hair: None

Known Relatives: Xamron Xorta (Arranged husband), Unnamed Child

First Appearance: SH*TSHOW (Vol. 1) Ashcan


As a member of Saturnian royalty, M’axxnn had the privilege to undergo Saterxiun, a process which activates various powers depending on the house and gender of the Saturnian.

Like her parents and all her ancestors, M’axxnn was granted the ability to shapeshift into any organic being. Though that’s an incredible power in its own right, M’axxnn has decided to stop during her time with the Legion so there’s no questions as to her true intentions.

In her true organic form, M’axxnn has numerous powers ordinary Saturnians have, including ice breath, super-strength, increased stamina, and more. You know, because gravity works different here than it does there.


A member of Saturnian royalty, M’axxnn’s parents arranged for her to marry Xamron, a member of the House Xorta — the ruling family over Xortan Prime. In case you didn’t get that far in Geography 101, Xortan Prime is the largest kingdom in Saturn’s Southern Hempishere.

M’axxnn, however, had other plans. Falling in love with a Saturnian peasant and having a child out of wedlock forced the princess to leave quickly and quietly. Not wanting Xamron, the House Xorta, or her parents to find out, M’axxnn snuck away to Earth, where she’s resided since.

As is case with most other shape-shifting Saturnians, M’axxnn was able to hide in plain sight amongst the humans of Earth for a few years. That is, of course, until she managed to cross paths with Legend. Picking up on her real look using x-ray powers, Legend, Billet, and Lightspeed invited her to join the Legion, an invitation she quickly accepted.
